
Winter 2003


Winter2003Demo uses DX8.1 and was created for contest on web page mikrogen.

Press F1 show menu. Recommended pixel shader 1.1. Terrain, snowman and roof have per-pixel lighting.

source code and executable – 1.3MB

Program 14 – Bumped Cubic Environment Mapping



source code and executable – 810kB

Program 13 – Dynamical cube mapping



source code and program – 670kB

Program 12 – Cube mapping


012_Cube_MappingIt is environment mapping (mapping environment to mirrored surface), which uses cube map texture. Cube map contains 6 two-dimensional image, which represent environment. Demo uses vertex shader for generating texture coordinations. Cube mapping is better as sphere mapping.

source code and executable – 480kB

Program 11 – Environment mapped bump mapping (EMBM)


011_environment_mapped_bump_mappingEMBM is mapping environment to mirror bump surface. It is advanced method of environment mapping. It isn’t computed per vertex as sphere or cube mapping, but this is computed per pixel. This uses reading from texture depended on other texture. First texture is sphere map texture, second texture is bump map texture.

Request: operator BUMPENVMAP (bump environment map) and 3 texture units for multitexture.

source code and program – 780kB

Program 10 – DOT3 bump mapping


010_DOT3_bump_mappingDot Product 3 Bump Mapping is lighting surface per pixel. It uses operator dot product. Lighting is computed with equestion:
color = ambient x Texture + (N.L)Texture + (N.H)^SpecExp x SpecularColor.
Program loads 3ds file and uses vertex shader for compute L and H vectors. It is similar to OpenGL program 24.

Request: multitexture and operator DOTPRODUCT3.
source code and executable – 930kB

Program 29 – Many point lights


029_Many_Point_LightsI use vertex program for drawing object lighting with 17 point lights.

Reques: GL_ARB_vertex_program

source code and executable – 240kB

Program 9 – Sphere mapping



source code and executable – 460kB

Program 8 – Many point lights


008_Many_Point_LightsI use vertex shader for drawing object lighting with 17 point lights.

source code and executable – 330kB

Program 7 – 3ds loader



source code and executable – 240kB